Cape Fear (1991)
Cape Fear was recommended to me recently by a friend. When I said I was going to watch it, many rejoiced in my decision and touted it as an excellent movie. I was excited, but also a little concerned with how I’d explain to everyone that I thought it sucked, if I indeed thought it sucked. Luckily, that was a fantastic movie and I don’t have to worry about that.
My father was right. #1: Never trust a man who puts bumper stickers on his 1965 Mustang Convertible. #2: Too much ground clearance can be a bad, bad thing.
This movie kept me going with so many twists, turns, and jumps it was almost unbelievable. I can’t even pick a stand-out performance because each performance was flawless. De Niro was spot-on, as usual, as well as extremely charismatic, and both terrifying and likeable. It was the perfect balance. I read that the high school auditorium scene with De Niro and Juliette Lewis was complete improv and shot in one take. I just…wow. This is the best performance I’ve ever seen of Juliette Lewis.
This is the worst review I’ve ever done because I’m not used to liking a movie this much. The whole time I kept trying to think of what I would say, and all I can say is that it was fantastic. I’d love to say something deep here, about Nolte’s dishonesty toward his client begetting this kind of evil, and I can’t. Maybe something about how we’ve all felt the desperate need for revenge? Eh. I mean, you can’t help but sympathize with De Niro’s character, when he’s talking about being sodomized for 14 years and Nolte is trying to pay him off with $10,000. But I can think of nothing witty nor thoughtful to say. I know, I’m such a let-down. Sigh.
In any case, definitely see this movie. I can’t imagine why I’ve avoided it for so long. Man’s unrelenting desire for revenge, the fear of consequence, an absolutely crazy Robert De Niro burned, soaked, and speaking in tongues – it’s all in there. I have to give this 10 out of 10. I can’t find anything wrong with it.
Tell me what you think!
Thanks for giving the movie the recognition that it deserves Eddie! And thanks for giving the movie a chance. I'm sincerely your biggest fan and much success with your new blog.
ReplyDelete@NotSoAnnoyed and still scared.
I'm glad you reviewed Cape Fear as I had forgotten how much I loved this movie (and also the original). The film is one of the few remakes that are arguably equal or superior to the original.
ReplyDeleteIts as great now as it was almost ten years ago. Scorcese, DeNiro, Nolte et al were all on the top of their game and it came together brilliantly in the movie. I also agree, this was one of only two times Juliette Lewis didn't annoy me (the other was Natural Born Killers).
I own both movies in my DVD collection (yup, its worthy of shelving out $$$ and buying). Now I'm going to pull out my copy and watch it again.
Your 10 out of 10 is dead on. Great job!