Orphan (2009)
When I was younger and first starting out in my lifetime of horror fanaticism, I used to go to the video store with my parents and stare at the horror movie covers. I picked which horror movies I’d rent based on their covers. Okay, I totally understand this isn’t the best method, but I still do it today. So, one day I was cruising around Wal-Mart (don’t judge me) with my boyfriend and I saw the cover for the movie Orphan. I immediately knew this was one of those movies I had to see. Didn’t buy it, but thankfully it was on one of the movie channels, like, the next day so I didn’t have to wait long. And since then I’ve literally watched it hundreds of times. I watch it almost every time it’s on TV – and Jesus is it on a lot.
So let’s get to it. The movie opens with a miscarriage that doesn’t really make sense. There’s blood and we can hear the baby’s cry, even though we learn the baby didn’t make it. Of course, later we find out this was just a dream and that the mother, Kate, lost the baby before birth. It’s not really an important part of the movie, but I won’t go into it further. It does, however, prompt her desire to adopt an orphan with her husband. She has two other children: a pre-teen boy and a young girl who suffers from hearing loss. I appreciated how they dealt with the hearing loss – there were times when the sound goes completely out and one is left with signing and subtitles. It’s touching.
In any case, they end up adopting Esther, a young girl from Russia (cough cough) who dresses like a perfect little doll. I have to say Isabelle Fuhrman’s performance as Esther is freaking perfect. She was born in Washington DC for Christ’s sake, but I never once doubted her performance as a young Russian (cough cough) girl. There’s something so precious and devilish, so mature in her performance. In any case, it becomes abundantly clear that little orphan Esther has some issues. And as good of a movie as it is, I have to point out it rips off The Bad Seed (1956) quite a bit.
Anyway, there’s a pretty big secret in this movie, and the end goes places you probably won’t expect. The performances are all pretty extraordinary, but I feel like the awkward sex scenes between the two parents are completely unnecessary. I don’t know, it cheapens it. God knows I love sex scenes in my horror movies. I’m a true child of 80’s slasher flix in that way. But this? God, it was like watching your own parents do it doggystyle in the kitchen. You’re just waiting for one of their kids to walk in. You know it’s going to happen. I understand the point of it is to have Esther see it, so the audience can get a good grasp of how mature she is (Esther remarks to her mother later that she understands what two adults in love do: “they fuck.”), but I feel like it was unnecessary to the plot and could have been achieved in other ways. It’s not even hot. Sex scenes in horror movies should be super hot or people should get murdered while doing it or right after.
I definitely recommend this movie, and I have quite a few times. Watch it just for Isabelle Fuhrman’s performance. Watch it to be surprised, even if you don’t buy it. I know a lot of people don’t buy it. And on a last note – the dad totally should have gone for it. Just saying.
My rating: 8/10
Don't forget to leave your opinions in the comments - I want to hear what you think!
I had just finished watching this movie, and it's 5:46 or so Eastern Time.
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought this film would be, well I'll be honest. Stupid. Until after watching the Orphan.. I was surprised by the twist that they thrown in. Caught my off guard. There were some parts in the film I called the scenes, which was pretty funny.
There are two points that people should look out for, since they are clues. I'll try to address them without giving out the ending.
Anyways, first off, the miscarriage/birth scene. It was an obvious part of the scene that she was dreaming. The 'angelic' lighting, then having the doctor say that the baby didn't survive, and then your baby coming out, 'alive.' Yup a dream. Obvious, right? Right.
Fast forward to the orphanage. There was this one scene that struck me the most, was when the Nun had told the adopting mother, Kate(?) that, her and the sisters had a tough time taking the bows off her wrist and neck. That immediately lit the dim bulb I have. ;) Because it slowly factors into the movie later on and also, she never takes the bow necklace off or from her wrists. Especially when one of her classmates touched the bow necklace and the Orphan, Ester completely freaked out.
The bows were some kind of 'restraint' for Ester. I knew that she had to been locked at some point, and figuring she had scars on her neck and wrists. That is why she was, 'sensitive' when it came to those areas. It was only until, close to the ending of the film, clues us viewers what had happen to her and why she constantly wears the bow necklace and around her wrists.
There was another scene that had intrigued me, until my husband mentioned that scene later on during the film.
The scene where Ester locked the door. I thought, she just wanted her privacy, like every normal kid would want at that age. Heck, I still locked the doors today. However, I didn't find that scene as odd, but it was definitely something to keep in mind. Because it does play into the little twist at the end. Which threw me completely off guard and left me in, "woah." Cheesey, I know. (:
The scenes were pretty good, gruesome. Which I like. But even though they use fake props, like that pigeon being shot by that brat son of Kate and her Husband. Even though that bird was fake, it made me cringe. I don't like animals being shot and then injuring it, but then leaving it no choice but to kill it. I understand it was suffering, blah blah. I agree. But still.. I couldn't look.
But the scenes of humans being slashed, bashed, killed.. DAMN! Why do parents agree to let their kids? That was cringe worthy too. Including when the police found the body of the Nun that came to visit the family.
The characters, Ester. I couldn't help it but go, "Aww, she's so cute." But reminded myself that she's a troubled 'kid.'
I liked her 'cuteness' that she had in the beginning. Warming up to her new family and then going psycho on them, slowly and one by one. Her acting, aces in my book. She did an amazing job by bringing in the cute and creepiness role. :D
Overall, the film was amazing. Like I said in the beginning, thinking it would be stupid.. Like any other Orphan movie. But, it wasn't. The girl who played Ester, superb and same with that deaf little sister (who was SO CUTE) played her role extremely well.
The storyline, plot, twist. Awesome job. Caught me off guard, although some of the scenes were very predictable and did my, 'called it' scene dance. Lol. But it was still awesome. Um, what else?
OH YES.. The final (spoilerish) scene when the girl said something, "mommy" and Kate replying, "I'm not your mother." That was taken from the film, The Ring Two. But without the word, 'fucking.' :D
Hopefully this is, 'good.' It's like 6ish am now. Tired. (:
OH forgot, 8/10 as well! :D Sorry.
ReplyDeleteGreat movie, I watched it and downed a whole bottle of wine as well =p Boyfriend even enjoyed it, which is a surprise b/c he isn't into these kinds of movies, especially if I like them lol. I had a feeling the relationship between Esther and the Dad was going somewhere, somewhere inappropriate lol. My memory of some parts of the movie is fuzzy (damn wine), but towards the end I felt it was getting cheesy, the mom sucks for not trying to protect her children more than she should have. I would've been so paranoid and would try to get her out of the house way before she attempted. But momma came through. I also thought the dad deserved what he got, what a fucking idiot lol. I will need to watch it again sober so I can give a better review lol. But i loved the movie. LMAO At the dad should have gone for it. LOL. BF thought the same thing =]
ReplyDeleteThe sole reason I watched Orphan was that it was made through Leonardo DiCaprio's production company. I knew he wouldn't put his name behind a shit movie, and secretly hoped he would make a cameo (I love you Leo! Marry me!).
ReplyDeleteI loved this movie. The casting was dead on from Peter Sarsgarrd and Vera Farmiga (love them both) as parents to the brillliant Isabelle Fuhrman who made as Esther believable and whose performance sold me 100% on a pretty far out ending.
This movie felt real to me. With the tension between the parents, the tension between the children and the struggle of adding a stranger to their family. I loved the fact that Esther appears to be the perfect child but its her icy perfection made me HATE HER. So I sympathized with the mother who mistrusted Esther for the same reasons and no one believed her.
I disagree with you on the sex scenes. Real life sex can awkward, especially since the parents cycle through love, hate and mistrust with one another. Their awkwardness during these scenes was a reflection on the true state of their marriage.
Great movie and would definitely recommend to everyone.
My rating:
This may sound sick but I totally was hoping the dad would go for it as well. It would have made my 8/10 into a 9 or 10/10
See, that's why I want to have more of a discussion than just post my opinion. See, I never even considered the implications of their awkward sex on their relationship, and now it makes more sense, or at least seems more important. Thanks, Mogularmy! <3
ReplyDeleteI would definitely recommend this movie ..intriguing storyline, decent gore scenes and very well acted, especially Isabelle Fuhrman’s portrayal of Ester. And, I can't help love it whenever an insane asylum twist is added to the mix. My favorite scene was Ester with her arm in the vice!
ReplyDeleteThe only part that lacked a little depth for me was the scene with the two parents and the therapist. The dad and the therapist seemed a little quick to blame the mom without any mention of Ester's playground incident or the orphanage nun's concerns about Esther. I think they missed an opportunity to use Isabelle Fuhrman’s great acting skills by not showing a scene with Ester talking to the therapist before the parents. They could have shown how Ester's charms manipulated the therapist into believing the problem was the fault of the mother not "liking Esther." Then add the mom's alcohol problem ..might have been more convincing. Eddie mentioned the Bad Seed and showing how evil little Rhoda charmed the adults is something they did really well in that movie.
I loved how the slutty Ester scene foreshadowed the telling of Ester's secret. I thought this movie was clever and entertaining and I rate it 8/10.
Thanks for starting this blog Eddie. I've always been a horror movie fan and I love reading everyone's reviews and hearing about movies I might not otherwise bother to watch.
Have you seen the movie "Thirst"? I'll warn you ..it's pretty bad but what the girl does to survive at the end of the movie made my night!