Whorticulture.com Reviews The Children
A few nights ago I sat down to one of my suggestions, The Children, a Brit Horror film from 2008.
I didn't know anything about this movie, so I assumed it was going to be like Beware! Children At Play but with a bigger budget. But no, nothing is like Beware! Children At Play.
Quick plot outline: Two families meet up for Christmas, when the young children catch a virus that turns them into murderous little monsters.
There were pretty decent scares in this movie. The run time is only 84 minutes, and it takes its sweet ass time getting to a point, but once it does it's pretty good. They cut away from a lot of the gore, but what you do get is decent.
The "scream at your TV" factor of this movie is definitely a 10. I don't care if it's mommy's sweet little boy, if he's coming at me with a knife, I'm kicking his ass down the stairs. I can't even look my neighbors in the eye right now because I'm sure they heard me screaming some crazy shit about killing children. I have no shame, I would have killed these kids right away.
You don't even know, I'm taking these fuckers out! With a quickness! |
Pretty much everyone who dies in this movie is someone who deserves it. The kills are highly satisfying. Sure, to some extent it's a plot you've seen before (Children of the Damned and a few others), but I'd recommend checking it out. I had fun watching it.
I give this movie a 7/10. Thanks to Brixie for the suggestion!