Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Someone recommended I watch Grace via Twitter.  I watched it on a movie channel, right after some terrible movie with Daryl Hannah called The Devil’s Ground.  

Grace is a movie about a woman going through a rather troubled pregnancy.  She gives birth to a stillborn baby after a car accident that kills her husband, and seemingly talks it into coming back to life to breastfeed.  She pretty quickly realizes that something is very wrong with this baby.  It smells horrible and attracts flies.  It won’t eat.  She continues to attempt breastfeeding only to discover the baby has a taste for human blood.

It’s a decent premise.  It’s sort of the same conundrum as the “It’s Alive” movies.  Do you love your baby enough to essentially let it kill to survive?  However, Grace is definitely mis-marketed as a horror movie.  There’s nothing really scary about it.  The baby doesn’t kill, the mother does to feed the baby.  And not that often, either.

Also, it tries to be too many things.  There’s this weird plot with the wet nurse who is kept from the mother & baby, but why?  Then there’s this EXTRA weird part where the mother-in-law wants to take the baby and trains herself to breastfeed again, even though she’s old.  And yeah, nobody needs to see the two old people have sex.  It’s um…unappetizing.  

The suspense is okay, I suppose, if you can get into the movie enough to care.  That’s the real chore of it.  The baby looks too fake and it ruins it.  The only really good part is the very end, when you find out the baby is teething and the mother’s breast has been totally mangled.  It was pretty gross.

Anyway, it’s not the worst movie I’ve ever seen.  I don’t think I’d re-watch it, but if there’s nothing else on you might as well check it out.  You’ll probably end up turning it off.  The Devil’s Ground was better.

I give this movie a 4.5 out of 10.  My boyfriend hated it and would probably generously give it a 1.


  1. It was ok. I expected it to be alot worse. I was hoping they would let time pass a little and show Grace as a toddler. Maybe show her killing off a kid in daycare. It leaves it open for a sequel which is good.

  2. Yeah I think it would be better if Grace were older. So maybe if they do a sequel we'll see her eat a kid's face or something and it'll be worth it.

    She ate the hell out of that boob though. That was freaking sick!

  3. Don't know who recommended this film to you but the only part I remotely enjoyed was the ending.

  4. This movie was terrible and I wish I never watched it. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRING.

  5. I have a cold and was feeling lazy today so I decided to throw on a horror flick in bed from the instant queue. I chose Grace because the bottle with the fly on it intrigued me and I love movies that involve creepy kids.
    It took me a while to get through it because I fell asleep a few times. Not sure if that was because the movie was boring me or I just didn't feel well...
    I enjoyed the opening completely disconnected sex. She didn't seem too into him!
    The movie wasn't awful. It also wasn't great. It just "was". A fine view for a Monday afternoon. A few parts confused me. Like why the doctor's girlfriend? Got mad and jealous? And why the mother in law was such a total freak!?
    I also missed what actually caused the accident? Amd how she didn't seem to hurt, but he died? Maybe some of this was explained, but like I said I was a little out of it.
    They should have made the baby creepier. They should have shown more boobs and gore. A lot more really could have been done with this since the premise and idea themselves were pretty cool. I also think the flies should have turned to maggots.
    I love love loved the chicks at the end! Now call me crazy, but why in the HELL would they take that baby knowing the history and craziness!? Well, I'm glad they did because Grace chewing on that lady's boob made the movie for me.
    I give it a 5/10. It could have had something special. Unfortunetely it just was NOT executed well. The acting wasn't bad. I just wanted more. It left me feeling a little empty, but not pissed for wasting my time or anything.
    I would suspect a sequel. They could really gore that up with a human eating toddler. For that, I'm IN!
