Saturday, February 5, 2011

Deadgirl Reviews Deadgirl

A bunch of Troma guys got together and made an actually GOOD film.  Imagine that.

Deadgirl was recommended to me today, and if you know anything about recommending movies to me, it's that I don't get to them right away.  But this had two things going for it: #1. It was available on instant queue.  #2. The info (basically "two male high school students stumble upon a dead girl in a basement") kind of sounded like Stir of Echoes and that intrigued me.

The tagline for Deadgirl is "You'll never forget your first time."  Being the smartass that I am, I totally thought I had this whole movie figured out before I started it. 

Haha, nope.

This movie surprised me right and left.  There were major plot turns I didn't expect, and even for a movie really low on gore I have to give it two very enthusiastic thumbs up.  It was so good that we just sat in silence while the credits rolled, trying to wrap our minds around any comments we could make.

I can't say more because it would be really unfair to spoil any of this for you guys.  I mean, it's not like the most surprising movie of the century or anything, but it was really good and you should definitely check it out.  That being said, I hope a conversation starts about this movie in the comments, because there are a lot of things that didn't make sense.  Example: What role did the dog play?  Oh, and what do we think happened to the Deadgirl in the end?

My vote is a 9 out of 10.

Trivia: The main dude, Shiloh Fernandez (Rickie) was almost Edward Cullen. 


  1. I really liked it too. I felt a lot of emotion from that crybaby Ricki and most of the dead girl scenes made me very uncomfortable. I would also give it a 9/10.

  2. Stellar recommendation! This was one if the most enjoyable horror movies I have seen in a while. The opening scene at the school made made me think it was going to be another low budget schlockfest but I am so glad I made it to the basement. This was such a surprise. Well written, acted, directed and the music was perfect... I've been singing "I will always be found..." over and over. The ending was just what I wanted! It's hard to comment because giving away any plot points would be a mistake. The dog was weird... we were guessing maybe it was left by whoever made the original deadgirl to protect his investment... Maybe it was a deaddog... Some leftover from Pet Sematery possibly. Deadgirl must have gone off to find whoever made her... She obviously still had a capacity for memory. Or she needed to get to Macys. 9.5/10

  3. When your blog first started, this was one of the first movies I recommended that you watched. It is so sick and twisted in so many ways. I won't post much about the movie, because I believe it is best to watch it without knowing anything about it.

    You should also check out Jack Ketchum's "The Girl Next Door" if you haven't already. It's based on a true story and is very well done and "unique" like DeadGirl

  4. Yes, Steven! I have seen Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door! That movie makes me so uncomfortable. I didn't know it was based on a true story, but that just makes it worse. Jesus Christ, what a terrible story! But I recommend it if anyone out there hasn't seen it. It's definitely going to get you on a different level than most horror movies do, and for that, MAJOR RESPECT.

    Thanks for the comments, Steven! Keep recommending movies, you recommend great ones!

  5. Yes, you said it best with "It's definitely going to get you on a different level than most horror movies do, and for that, MAJOR RESPECT." Which is the same feeling that I got with DeadGirl.

    It amazes me that I would have never heard of either one of these movies if it wasn't for me being bored one day and watching every movie on Netflix instant streaming. I'm sure you and most readers have seen all the movies that have been in theaters or had a big internet buzz, but I love finding these movies out of no where. I love the unknown B-list movies as much as any horror fan, but it's always great to find a hidden gem by accident.

    Maybe it's time for another recommendation post? I would love to go through other reader's lists and find some good ones. I'll have to go through my collection and get a good list going.

  6. Loved the movie! I have written a review at Blog of the Living Dead It doesn't contain any spoilers, and will, I'm sure, make you want to watch this film (if you haven't already). BTW, that's my framegrab at the top of your Posating :) My is higher res (nice compression on your side. I color adjusted it and brightened it up a bit too. Grab my new one (and compress it if you like). When you click on mine, it blows up full screen in all its gory detail (and it's still on 82k)


  7. PS: The URL for the Review is:
