Friday, July 22, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 Trailer

I know, I'm late on this and I don't update anymore.  I have a full-sized gremlin growing inside me, cut me some slack.

And while you're at it, check out the PA3 trailer:

Let's hear what you think.  Is Bloody Mary lame, or a good way to open the door for the demon?  Does this trailer make you want to see it?  A prequel for a prequel, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I'm really not sure about this. I LOVED the first movie. The second just seemed...odd...with the baby and all that. Perhaps this one will actually give us some solid motive behind the demon's intentions, which could be interesting. But Bloody Mary? They had better make that shit SCARY as hell, because I STILL wouldn't go into a bathroom and say that name. And I'm 29. Bottom line? I'm a sucker for a horror movie, so I'll probably see it.
