Sunday, August 7, 2011

REC 2 - Must See! Strongly Recommends REC 2

I just realized I never got around to reviewing REC, the original Quarantine.  If you haven't seen it, you should.

In any case, last night I finally got my hands on a copy of REC 2.  This shit seriously took about a year to get to my house.  Horror fans, it was definitely worth the wait.

Quick Plot:  It jumps right in where the first one lets off, as police are searching the quarantined building for survivors.  They've brought along a doctor, who actually turns out (tiny spoiler) to be a priest, and shit goes haywire from there.

In the original, they're dealing with a virus similar to rabies which is infecting the tenants of this building and turning them into zombies (I use the term "zombies" loosely.  They're more like 28 Days Later rage creatures).  The sequel delves a bit deeper into the virus, which isn't really a virus at all - well, I guess it is in the way it transmits by blood and saliva - but more the physiological effects of demonic possession.  This is an EPIC. TURN. and shoots the scare value way past 11.

There aren't any cheap scares in REC 2.  No loud noises or sudden jumps - unless you're really really jumpy, I guess.  Most scares are suspense based.  Same format as before: no soundtrack (A+) and entirely POV based.  This one adds a "jump-in" feature, where other characters can override the original camera with their POV cams, which feels like a video game at times, but I wouldn't say in a bad way.  Low to moderate on unnecessary gore.

REC 2 is totally HNL ('hole 'nother level) and shockingly good for a sequel.  Make the effort to get your hands on it, because while Quarantine and REC are extremely similar, Quarantine 2 is about some airplane bullshit and doesn't look nearly as good.  DO NOT WAIT FOR THE AMERICAN VERSION OF THIS MOVIE.  Suck it up and read some subtitles.  You will thank me SO HARD.  Total A+, 10/10.


  1. I agree with you. I didn't find it as scary as REC, but I loved the whole "its not actually a virus" turn they took with it. Wonderfully original. I don't want to say too much, since I don't want to ruin it. I'm really looking forward to REC 3 & 4, hopefully they come out in NA a little quicker than 2 did.

  2. REC & REC 2 are far superior than the Hollywood remakes.

    Can't wait for REC 3 either. The trailer is amazing!

