Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's Good to be Back

Hola, Bitches!

My New Year's Resolution was to get off my lazy ass and review more movies on this website, so here I am!  I know, you assholes missed me so much.  I won't bore you with my life, instead I'll bore you with this piece of shit movie I just sat through.

Apartment 143

I had some free time today, so I thought I'd watch one of the movies on my Netflix instant queue.  On a scale of 1 to 10, I give this movie a 1.  I'm being so generous, too.  It was straight up ASS.

Please don't waste your time on this mess.  Let me tell you...

"Hired by a family to investigate supernatural activity in their apartment, a paranormal research group find themselves haunted by a malevolent force." - Netflix info

The tagline of this movie is "The First Real Ghost Story."  I don't know who they think they're fooling.  I can tell right off the bat that it's not a real ghost story, since it stars (a much older and fatter version of) fucking FRED FROM ROSEANNE.  

In any case, it's like any of the other found footage films that have been shoved down our throats in recent years, except this one tried REALLY, REALLY HARD.  It wanted to be Paranormal Activity so bad, but it ended up making Paranormal Activity look like  Citizen fucking Kane.  It employed every cheesy trick in the book to look low budget and believable, and it failed constantly.  Shaky camera?  Check.  Filtered footage?  Check.  The effects they used to make the film look grainy were obvious, making the whole thing just scream FAKE for 80 minutes.  The acting was some of the most atrocious acting I've seen since I saw a bunch of grade school kids perform Shakespeare. 

I cannot stress to you how bad this was.  I had to fight the urge to turn it off 10 minutes in, and it never managed to suck me in.  The only thing that kept me going was the thought of trashing it on the internet and hopefully stopping any of you from watching it.  It wasn't even so bad it's good, it...ugh, I can't even with this mess.

I read so many reviews for this movie that were positive.  You know why?  Because those reviews aren't left by horror fans, they're left by huge vageens.  I remember in 8th grade, overhearing girls in my class talk about being terrified after seeing Interview with the Vampire.  THESE ARE THE KINDS OF PEOPLE REVIEWING THESE MOVIES.

I seem a little bitter, don't I?  You watch this train wreck and tell me you're not bitter, too.  I feel like I just got kicked in the throat.

See you freaks next time!


  1. Thank you for saving me from watching this crap. I'll remove it from my queue. Have you watched Atrocious or Quarentine 2 yet?

  2. They are both on my instant queue so look for those in the next few days (Q2 will be first I'm sure).
