Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Sheep

Whorticulture.com Reviews Black Sheep

Ain't no Chris Farley in this movie.  This was recommended to me by a bunch of you, here we go.

So the first thing I noticed is that my TiVo insisted on calling this movie "shear madness."  Way to turn me off, TiVo.

The first thing I'd like to point out is that this movie was made by the Film Commission of New Zealand.  That means it's serious business.  And you can tell - it's by far the most serious stupid movie I've ever seen.  It's not nearly as cheesy as I would have predicted.  It just had an absolutely painful marketing campaign.

Quick Plot Outline: Genetic Engineering turns sheep into these bloodthirsty killers, and the people who are bitten turn into these weird ass weresheep things.

I was totally eyerolling left and right over the environmental overtones.  Not surprisingly, they go out the window once the sheep start eating faces.  I wanted to shoot that hippie girl (who goes by the name Experience - oh, fuck me sideways) through the first two thirds of the movie.

Here's what a weresheep looks like:

Anyway, they use amniotic fluid to cure the sheep.  That means the weresheep have to drink it.  It's pretty gross.  And I just kept thinking to myself "somebody's fucking those sheep."  And yes, somebody was fucking those sheep.  This is the second movie in a row for me where tragedy befalls a penis.  I don't want to talk about it.

All in all though, it was a pretty solid movie.  The effects were surprisingly good.  The sheep - which were mostly real sheep, except when they were eating faces - were believable, even if they were too cute sometimes to be scary...but I guess that's the crux of the matter, isn't it?  Anyway, pretty outstanding gore as well.  I will say, however, that it's pretty slow to start out with but totally worth it in the end.

I give this movie a 7.5 out of 10.  It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.


  1. Wasn't that bad?! Did you not see the sheep foetus that started it all?! No words


  2. I don't know... It doesn't sound that enticing. We will see it but it may sit bottom of the queue for a while. ;)
    You should watch Descent 2 next. I will be interested to read your review.

  3. @StarsMum LOL I was tweeting about the sheep fetus last night. He was dragging his poor little umbilical cord!

    MsWonkyTits If you could skip the first 2/3 of the movie without missing much it wouldn't be that bad...but you can't. I guess check it out someday when there's nothing else. Next up I'm starting the Yule Tide Horror thing with Santa's Slay. But I'm sure I'll get Descent 2 in one of these days! I'm excited about that one. LOVE the first one!

  4. WTF?! First a killer turkey and now killer sheep?
    My husband will be worried when I force him to watch these with me. Poor guy.

  5. It wasn't that bad, part of the fun of these low budget horrors is just the insane craziness of them. It's the same way with Sharktopus and Giant Clam vs Giant Sea Urchin, you're not expecting them to win any prizes, but they're enjoyable.
