Monday, November 1, 2010

Unnecessary Remakes

Here's another one for you guys.

Apparently, next year, they're remaking one of my childhood staples.

That's right.  They're remaking the original Child's Play. first reaction is dread.  But then I thought about it a little more, and I wonder if this might be a NECESSARY remake. 

Child's Play (1988) and Child's Play 2 (1990) are both pretty decent.  But they certainly have their flaws.  For example, they both have really low body counts.  And then they made Child's Play 3 (1991) which was just terrible, and the whole series went comically downhill from there.  The only good things about Bride of Chucky are that John Ritter is in it, and you get to look at Jennifer Tilly's hot ass. 

And then Seed of Chucky?  Are you kidding me?

So I'm reading about this new remake, and imdb says:
"Instead of making a sequel to follow Seed of Chucky (2004) as originally intended the producers decided it was time to return Chucky to his horror roots instead of the comedic side which took control over 'Seed Of Chucky'. The only way they felt this was possible was to "reboot" the franchise with a remake of the original that was darker and scarier than even the original had been."

I think this is the only way to go, you guys. I can't handle another fucking stupid sequel of this franchise.  So while part of me is disappointed,  another part of me is kind of excited to see what they'll bring to the table.  And Brad Dourif is once again doing the voice of Chucky, so that's pretty awesome.

Oh, and I might finally get a quality Good Guy doll like I've always wanted!

So what do you think?  Is remaking Child's Play necessary, or unnecessary?


  1. Okay. If they make this more terrifying, I will like it. If it's a shot for shot remake (ala the Omen) I will end someone.

  2. The Omen remake was crap. They should have known it would be from the second they cast Julia Stiles in it. It's like they thought "hmm, how can we make this total fail, right from the start?"

  3. Well, as long as MIchael Bay stays away with his 're-imaginings' than it can't be as bad as most people are expecting it to be, I'm pretty excited, I wanna see a modern CP with good kills that isn't in Hollywood.

  4. Child's Play was the first movie I saw that truly terrified me. (Besides the basically unknown Cat's Eye with the little monster that comes out of the girl's wall and cuts her toes at night.) I think it's a fantastc idea to remake this, but only if it's awesome. No CGI, no fancy special effects, no boob-a-licious babysitters running through the woods. Same plotline, same puppet with a few necessary changes (like MORE GORE!!) would be great. (For example, I know it's in CP2, but when he's beating Andy's teacher with a tiny ruler...pure cheese.)

  5. OMG Brittne, Cat's Eye was the first horror movie I ever saw! I was really young & my mom called me in for the "scary parts," which was basically the little monster coming in to steal the girl's breath and the cat chasing it through the fan! Excellent!

  6. Cat's Eye damaged me, seriously. I know there were 2 other "stories" in that movie, but that tiny monster with the jingly little shoes (or hat or whatever) gave me nightmares for months. His little ragged breathing as he scurried around...UGH! I made my cat sleep with me every night after that - pretty much until I was 12. I have to rent this on Netflix immediately. Even though I'm 28 now, I bet you after it's over I'll still be peering at my baseboards as I lay in bed.
